Create a digital learning plan - October 2022 (55:13)

About this insiders training 🔎

Big tasks, like learning a language or preparing for an accreditation exam, can be overwhelming. 🤯

That’s why you need a learning plan!

And...why not make it digital? That’ll let you sync across devices and with your calendar, get reminders, and create a digital learning portfolio! (Plus, it’s so rewarding to tick off your tasks when they’re completed! ✅)

NB: The workshop used the example of interpreting practice, but you can apply everything we learned to your work as a translator OR interpreter, like:

🤓 Learning a new language
🤓 Studying for a translation or interpreting degree
🤓 Adding a new language to your language combination
🤓 Preparing for an accreditation exam.

Access the training 🔓

This training is available to techforword insiders members.

If you’re a member, click here to access this training.

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