Make your interpreting glossaries pop with visuals, audio, and links

Interpreting glossaries have come a long way from Word and Excel. You’ve likely upgraded to a glossary solution that better meets your needs as an interpreter. (If not, read this article! 😉)

Recently, one of my favorite terminology management tools, Interpreter’s Help, added support for multimedia glossaries, with embedded visuals and audio that take your preparation to the next level.

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of multimedia glossaries, walk you through creating one on Interpreter’s Help, and share tips for sourcing visuals and audio for your terminology.

Boost understanding and retention

Most of us are visual learners – we understand information better through images, videos, or diagrams. Reading about a complex concept helps, but seeing an animation or diagram can make an idea click – and stick.

We also generally remember images better than words. For example, attaching a photo of a cow next to “bovine” can make it easier to recall the term.

In short, adding visuals to your glossaries – whether photos, diagrams, charts, or videos – is a powerful strategy for vocabulary retention.

Ensure accurate pronunciation

Images aren’t the only tools to boost understanding and retention. Engaging other senses, like hearing can be just as effective, which is why I love using podcasts as part of my preparation.

But here's where audio really shines in glossaries: by providing the correct pronunciation for terms. You can record your own clips or find them online (see tips below). Videos are also handy – whether for seeing a term used in context or nailing the pronunciation of tricky proper names.

Describe better with images

Sometimes, the problem isn’t just memorizing a term – it’s describing an object while interpreting. Ever had a speaker discuss parts of a distiller or an industrial sewing machine? (I have... 🤦‍♂️)

If you’re building a glossary, why not add an image? It just might save your bacon when your client talks at length about the cycloid-shaped barrel vaults in a museum they’ve built – and you can’t even see their slides because your booth is behind a pillar. (Yep, been there too! 😅)

Increase the shelf life of your research

When preparing for assignments, we visit web pages, download images, watch videos, and check pronunciations – so why not incorporate these resources into our glossaries?

Leaving them out means they’ll likely get lost after an assignment, meaning all our research will go to waste.

Keeping them safe in your glossaries ensures you won’t have to go searching for that same information the next time an assignment on the same topic comes up.

Where to source images

To find images for your multimedia glossary, use your favorite search engine – or try an AI-powered search engine like Google Gemini.

For quick access, bookmark Google Images or Bing Images for image-based searches. Both feature advanced filtering options, so you can narrow results to exactly what you need (for example, search specifically for GIFs).

Tip: Stick with images you can use freely, especially if you plan to share your glossaries. If you're not familiar with Creative Commons licenses, Bing Images is easier for narrowing down results that are safe to use.

Filter multimedia resources by license with Bing to enhance interpreting glossaries with visuals and audio

Bing Search for licensed multimedia content to enrich interpreting glossaries with visual and audio elements.

Where to source audio

Multiple websites and apps let you listen to and download pronunciations in different languages.

Forvo, a large, community-driven platform, offers pronunciations that native speakers upload. The downside? Not every term is included (though the database is pretty extensive!). You can listen to pronunciations any time, but you’ll need a free account to download audio. Forvo also offers Android and iOS apps.

Sound of Text lets you play and download audio pronunciations using Google’s Text-to-Speech. It’s free and doesn’t require registration, making it quick and easy to use. Plus, you can enter any word or phrase and get it read to you, no matter how obscure. The downside? The audio is machine-generated (but generally accurate).

Youglish shows how words are pronounced (with multiple accents) in YouTube videos. Once you find a video, you can clip it on YouTube or Sonix. YouTube clips are at least 5 seconds long and shareable via a link, while Sonix clips can be shorter and are downloadable, in addition to being shareable via a link.

Alternatively, use your own audio: record yourself or someone else pronouncing a term or proper name, then upload it to your glossary.

Build multimedia glossaries

While it’s possible to create multimedia glossaries using Airtable and Notion, Interpreter’s Help is the only glossary tool for interpreters that supports multiple file formats.

To get started, set up your account. The free plan allows you to use the tool for up to 1,000 terms – more than enough for extensive testing.

(If you’re ready to upgrade to a professional plan, use the code ‘techforword’ to get 25% off.)

Next, head over to to access the app. Interpreter’s Help has undergone a major revamp, and the full migration is still in progress. For now, sign up here and access the glossary tool here.

(Not sure if you’re ready to switch? Check out my blog post on why you should stop using Excel or Word for interpreting glossaries.)

Create a glossary on Interpreter’s Help

Log in to Interpreter’s Help.

Click the plus sign in the upper right and select New glossary.

Create a new interpreting glossary with Interpreter's Help using multimedia support for better interpreter preparation

Easily start a new glossary that incorporates images, audio, and links for enhanced learning.

Add a name and a description (optional).

Choose your privacy settings: Decide if you want to make your glossary private or public.

In the Columns section, select the columns to include. If you’re using Interpreter’s Help for the first time, this section will be blank. You’ll add columns after creating the glossary.

Click Create glossary.

Set up your new glossary's name, languages, and choose privacy settings for tailored interpreter glossaries

Name your glossary, choose your languages and decide if it should be private or public for your interpreting needs.

Add columns to your glossary

To add columns, click the Toggle Sidebar icon on the left, then select New Column in the sidebar that opens.

Navigate glossary tools to add multimedia features like visuals, audio, and links using Interpreter's Help

Easily move through glossary creation tools to add multimedia elements.

Select the column type – choose “text (language)” if you’re just adding terms – and give it a name (or label).

Select multimedia column types to include images, audio, and videos in glossaries

Choose from various multimedia options to enrich your interpreting glossary

Repeat this process for as many columns as needed. (You won’t always have to create columns from scratch. For your next glossary, you can also pick from existing column labels.)

To rearrange columns, use the drag handle on the left sidebar.

To edit a column, click the pencil icon next to the column name. To hide it, click the eye icon.

Organize language columns for effective bilingual interpreting glossaries

Structure your glossary with language columns for clearer term organization

Add entries to your glossary

After creating columns, hide the column sidebar by clicking the toggle sidebar button. Next, start adding your terms (or entries). You can do that manually or by importing terms from a file.

To add terms manually, press Enter on your keyboard or click the New entry button in the top left (highlighted in yellow below).

Then, type the words in their respective language columns and click Create.

Add new terms to interpreting glossaries with multimedia support for better retention

Quickly input new terms and give them meaning with images or audio links.

To edit an entry, double-click the cell. You can cancel, save your edit, or remove the entry.

Edit glossary terms and attach multimedia to boost your preparation

Easily update glossary terms and include visuals, audio, or links.

Import terms from a file

To import terms from a file, click More. The Import terms from file dialog box will appear.

Import large sets of glossary terms and enrich them with multimedia content using Interpreter's Help

Upload term files and quickly populate your glossary with multimedia-enhanced entries

Drag your file into the dialog box or browse your computer. You can currently import Word, Excel, OpenOffice, and CSV files.

Ensure the columns match (in number and order) in both the file and your digital glossary.

You’ll see a preview of the glossary with your imported entries. Click Import entries to confirm or Cancel import to cancel. If needed, you can also remove rows or edit cells before confirming.

Done adding entries? To sort terms in a column alphabetically, click the column name. (Click again to reverse the order.)

Note: Your Interpreter’s Help glossary can be a mix of manual and imported entries.

Add media to your glossary

Add images

To add images to your glossary, start by adding an image column. Select “Image” as the column type, and give it a label like Image or Photo.

techforword shows you how to add image columns to interpreting glossaries for improved term visualization with Interpreter's Help

Include images in your interpreting glossary to make terms more memorable

Next, double-click an entry to add an image.

Add images to glossary terms to improve interpreter understanding and memory

Interpreter’s Help allows linguists to enhance glossaries with images to help interpreters quickly grasp and retain terms

Drag and drop or browse your computer to find the image file, then click Save.

Sign language interpreter? Interpreter’s Help lets you embed GIFs into your glossary for instant access to signs. (Check out an example – including my very own sign name.)

Include sign language GIFs in glossaries for visual interpreter resources

Illustrate your sign language glossaries by adding sign language visuals to glossary terms.

Add audio

To add audio, create one or more audio columns. Choose “Audio” as the column type and add your label.

Drag and drop or browse your computer to find the audio file, then click Save.

Use audio and images in glossary terms to improve pronunciation and comprehension

Pair audio pronunciation with visuals to help interpreters master pronunciation more effectively

Export and share

To export your glossary, click More and select Export to Excel or Print view & PDF export.

To share your glossary, click More, then choose Share.

From here, you can share with one or more colleagues who have an Interpreter’s Help account by entering their email address or username, or selecting them from a list of previous contributors.

To share with someone who doesn’t have an account, click Create shared link to generate a shareable link and QR code.

Share glossaries with links for seamless collaboration among interpreters

Easily share multimedia glossaries with colleagues through direct links or QR codes

When you share a glossary, you can set contributor permissions (view only or editing) and choose the length of access, which you can update at any time.

Pro tip: Share a QR code with a colleague for easy access during an assignment. (Point your camera at the QR code above to see just how easy this is!)

Search a glossary

Interpreter’s Help uses incremental search, which means it searches across all entries and shows matching results as you type.

Use Interpreter's Help's incremental search function to find your terms in a flash

Organize terms in multiple languages to streamline interpreter preparation and lightning-speed search

This helps you find the terms you're looking for faster than in a Word or Excel file. Plus, it’s case- and accent-sensitive, so you don’t need to worry about typing accent marks or special symbols to find an exact match.

Level up your glossary building

Multimedia glossaries aren’t just for sign language interpreters or those working on highly technical assignments – they can help all translators and interpreters boost understanding and retention, ensure accurate pronunciation, and save time.

Interpreter’s Help is the only interpreter-specific tool that lets you build, manage, search, and share multimedia glossaries. (It’s also one of my go-to apps for extracting terminology from texts, which you can read about here.)

Want to try adding audio or video to your glossary? Pick up a free account today, and take Interpreters’ Help for a spin. Or, use coupon code techforword to get 25% off the Premium plan. 


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