Celebrate our LinkedIn challenge champions! 🏔

In 2024, I ran the fourth edition of the Overhaul your LinkedIn profile in 9 easy steps.

I offered to showcase the LinkedIn profiles of everyone who completed the challenge.

The catch? They had to take action on their profile within the month.

Over 30 people participated, and it gives me great pride to present the six colleagues who rose to the challenge and improved their LinkedIn profiles! 💪

Without further ado, our LinkedIn challenge champions!

Please note that I am not personally endorsing any of these language professionals, since I haven’t actually worked on specific projects with them. This showcase simply recognizes their taking action in this challenge!

Showcasing our LinkedIn champions

“I had been wanting to update my LinkedIn profile for ages but never knew how to get started.

Following Josh's challenge was perfect because it broke everything down in manageable steps, so it was really easy to create a profile I am finally happy with”

Sandra Drechsel

“I knew I had to put work into my LinkedIn profile but wasn't sure where to start.

This challenge was exactly what I needed to finally upgrade my LinkedIn profile. Thank you very much!”

Benedetta Giorgi

“As I imagine is the case with many of us who are independent contractors and spend 10-12 hours working from home every day, including weekends, many things fall by the wayside — including our ongoing training and Linkedin profile.

Josh is really inspiring and encouraging, and even though things can get so hectic I feel like I can hardly breathe, this challenge inspired me to look for a little time to work on improving my craft, my professional image, and ultimately, my bottom line.”

Colleen Terry

“I'm a big fan of techforword's challenges because they help me form a new habit in my professional life in no time.

My LinkedIn profile looks much better now.

As an insider, I will go back through the challenge materials to take my profile to the next level.

I can't wait for the next techforword challenge!”

Ana Irena Hudi

Susan is one of our 2024 LinkedIn challenge champions!

“For me, it was both a "game changer" and not least an "eye-opener" that you can use AI as a tool and "helper" to more creative writing, which has always been a struggle for me.

No matter how experienced you are in using LinkedIn, I can
highly recommend this challenge to everyone in this community 👍.”

Susan Murphy Lamprecht

Jorinde Buck is one of our 2024 LinkedIn Challenge Champions!

“The LinkedIn challenge not only showed me fantastic features both in and for LinkedIn, but also had me ruminating about my ideal clients, my USP, and other marketing stuff - which is more important these days than ever before, right?

The forum is great as well, Josh goes through every profile, ready to help, and is able to comment whatever the language used (so it seems ;-)”

Jorinde Buck

Margarida Pacheco Nunes is one of our 2024 LinkedIn challenge champions!

“Although I had a LinkedIn profile for several years, I needed some hints on how to improve it, and I'm thrilled with the end result! It's more organized and, more importantly, it tells more about me and feels more authentic. It made me reflect about my career and appreciate my path. The work with Josh and the colleagues was undoubtedly an added value. I'm happy!”

Margarida Pacheco Nunes


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